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Start Exhibition 8 SEPTEMBER 2024

End of Exhibition 8 DECEMBER 2024


OPENING SUNDAY 08.09.2024 : 

14:00 - 17:00

In 2021 there was the first exhibition of these series supported by the city of Ghent  during the month of September-October as part of the


During the official opening there were several performances

- Musical performance by Filip Verneert and John Snauwaert

- Rik Pinxten, Jean Paul Vanbendegem and Peter Schmidt

 A Debate on "Spirituality and Symbolism"


Since this first exhibition, there were several exhibitions in different Cities in Belgium : Kortrijk, Ronse, Oudenaarde....








The word immediately evokes confession, the enumeration of sins. But in this exhibition, the photographer does not confess, he does not purify his soul, he does not ask for forgiveness. He seeks! He searches for the spirituality of absolute beginnings, for the symbolism that is present within each and every one of us, perhaps from the day we were born. Even before there were any cultural influences. Who are we really? What do we reveal and what do we hide? ‘Expressions of eyes, mouth, hands, skin and body… These expressions rarely conceal our true emotions. These expressions confess everything.’ Confessioni… 


Sometimes symbols are added, but please avoid labelling them. Cultures differ, symbols differ. What some consider heathen may be sacred to others, and vice versa. As long as the symbol has value, and is profound. As long as it makes the viewers think. As long as they see the objects in their purest form, without having to give them a common, conventional meaning. 


The photographer: ‘In their unadulterated form, most symbols and spiritual experiences are unambiguous, but layered. They can lead to better understanding.’ But perhaps also to confusion. The photographer seeks to create a timeless image, and steers away from any clothing and fashion accessories identified with a particular era, preferring fabrics and folds, and naked skin, to emphasize timelessness. It’s no easy task, renouncing cultural influences. The photographer tries. He confesses… Confessioni… 


Models and symbols

Bodies and symbols


It is only when we attribute a new meaning to an animal, object or plant that it becomes a symbol. The photographer: ‘I try to start from the pure characteristics of objects, searching for their origins and universal symbolism. Beyond any cultural reference.’




Some pieces of work are based on or inspired by texts and quotes that express the photographer’s philosophy better than he can himself. These excerpts are displayed near the photographs. But the viewers should not be influenced by the words! They should think for themselves, reflect and enter into dialogue with the artwork. While pondering, they may admit to themselves what the images do to them. As some kind of intimate confession. Confessioni… 




The images are printed on large panels, with a varnish finish. The Van Eyck brothers would understand and smile. Viewers can enjoy colour images as well as black & white.


In May 2020, the collection will be exhibited in a sacred setting, in St Nicolas Church in Ghent, a building full of symbols… That same year Ghent will celebrate Van Eyck. The photographer is thrilled to see his exhibition included as part of that global celebration. He confesses his pride and joy. Confessioni… 


                                                                                                                                   Rudi Moeraert


Thanks to Crescendo-S vzw the organization that covers this project
With the support of
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